Rabu, 01 Februari 2017

75cm Natural Birth & Fitness Birthing Ball & Pump - NBF Birth Ball

(detail Description) :

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[ln] Superior Quality Anti-Burst Birthing Ball - stronger, firmer and safer than standard gym balls. [ln] [ln]
- [ln] 8 page Instruction booklet showing a full set of prenatal exercises and post natal exercises. [ln] [ln]
- [ln] Instructions for optimal foetal positioning, pelvic floor, use a support in labour and natural birth positions [ln] [ln]
- [ln] Also included "new [and] improved" blaster hand pump and measuring tape for easy inflation. [ln] [ln]
- [ln] This listing is for a 75cm ball for heights 5[and]#039;8 [and] over (173cm). See other 65cm listing for 5[and]#039;2 to 5[and]#039;8 and 55cm for under 5[and]#039;2 [ln] [ln]

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